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       The first column show cities points from 1.000 years before Christ (B.C.) to 2020. The second one represents each city points growth in a specified time period.

          I divided the historical timeline in three main ages, based on main structure type built in these ages. This is better illustrated in the "Graphs" Tab.


         1st Age ( from B.C. to 1.100 ): Ancient structures (Pyramids, Pagoda, Stupas, Alexandria's Lightouse...).

          2nd Age ( from 1.100 to 1.890): Religious structures (Churches, Cathedrals).

          3rd Age (from 1.890 to 2020): Skyscrapers and Towers


          From 516 to 1.100: I named this period as "The Dark Ages", in  reference of the European Middle Ages and because nothing was built worldwide  taller than 90 meters.

          From 1.100 to 1.200: First Churches taller than 90 meters were built in Europe.

          From 1.300 to 1.400: Churches Construction "Boom" all around Europe - 188% Points Growth in this time period.

          From 1.890 to 1.895: First true skyscrapers taller than 90 meters were built in New York City.

          From 1.890 to 1.915: First skyscraper construction "Boom", in American cities, mainly New York City.

           From 1.915 to 1.920: Skyscraper construction halted because of World War I.

           From 1.920 to 1.935: Second skyscraper construction "boom", in American Cities, mainly Chicago and New York City.

           From 1.930-1.935 to 1.950: Skyscraper construction halted again after Wall Street Stock Crash and because of World War II, when many European Churches were sadly destroyed.

           From 1.950 to 1.975: Third Skyscraper "Boom", in American Cities and also in Canada, Russia, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Japan and Hong Kong.

           From 1.975 to 2.005: Constant points growth of 30-40% in each 5 years time period. Fastest growing cities were in Countries in East Asia, Australia and U.S.A.

           From 2.005 to 2.020: Fourth skyscraper construction "Boom", all around the globe. In just 15 years worldwide (90m) points went from  462.872 to 1.404.868 ! 





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