Metro Cities
Instead of Cities "Proper" points this table represents Metropolitan areas score. Highest scoring metro cities are displayed here, in blue. Green lines are cities without other scoring conurbated municipalities.
Metropolitan Area - is a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. A metro area usually comprises multiple jurisdictions and municipalities. They include one or more urban areas, as well as satellite cities, towns and intervening rural areas that are socioeconomically tied to the urban core, typically measured by commuting patterns.
Often in Metropolitan Areas the most important and most populous city is also the highest scoring. But this is not always true. Let's take Paris Metro, in France, as an example:
Courbevoie 1.395 Points
Paris 980 Points
Puteaux 663 Points
Other Cities 390 Points
Pearl River Delta, in Guangdong Province, China, is becoming the largest and most populous Metro Area worldwide. And its already the second best skyline, losing only to its neighbor Hong Kong, world's best since 1.990.